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Met Office Careers: Data Science and Meteorological Phenomenon

Join the Met Office Sprint to explore data relationships and learn how experts use data to understand weather impacts.

Met Office Careers: Data Science and Meteorological Phenomenon

What is a Sprint?

Hosted by experience provider Springpod, Sprints are short online courses, accessed on demand, that allow students to complete a realistic task from an industry they’re interested in.

About this Sprint

Weather plays a crucial part in our lives - but how can we understand it better? How does data science and the Met Office play their part?

In this Sprint, students will use their skills to understand the relationships within data sets and explore how the Met Office uses data to understand our weather and its implications.

Students are supported by Damian Wilson, Head of Science Learning and Development at the Met Office. Damian will take students through some key aspects of the work of the Met Office, and guide them through a task that’ll show them key patterns and relationships within data.

Students will learn from their Met Office mentor through videos and can compare their work with model answers to refine their abilities even further.

Plus, they’ll get a chance to hear more about data science and Damian’s journey in the sector and the different career pathways available!


The sprint takes around 30 to 90 minutes to complete.

Students will be able to download a certificate of completion and their task workbook afterwards.


Learning outcomes

  • Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects

  • Improve attainment and progress in STEM subjects

  • Learning what the engineering workplace is like

  • Develop engineering employability skills

  • Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers

  • Challenge stereotypes by showing the diversity of disciplines, people and skills involved in engineering

Subjects and topics

    • Maths
    • Physics
    • Energy and environment
    • General engineering
    • Mechanical engineering, systems and processes

Gatsby benchmarks

The Gatsby benchmarks are a framework for good careers guidance for schools across all of England and in some areas across the rest of the UK. This experience helps your school to reach the following benchmarks:

  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees

Essential skills

The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:

  • Aiming high - the ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them.

  • Listening - the ability to listen and understand information.

  • Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.

What the teachers say

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I'm a Computer Scientist, Get me out of here

I’m a Computer Scientist is a student-led, online enrichment activity to connect students with people working in a diverse range of computer science roles

  • Ages 11 to 18+
  • Online
  • Up to an hour
  • Free

Careers resources