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Logistics Factory

Build, build some more, build higher, build faster, build better!

Logistics Factory

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It is hands-on, it's fun!

It requires lots of K'nex resources, which will be provided for the duration of the event.

The session has been delivered many times for many years, and schools/colleges typically pay a fee for the managed delivery of the session unless other funding arrangements are in place.

A session can be run with any age or abilities.

It can be adapted and extended easily to include lots of industrial careers and enterprise careers information.


Minimum of 10 participants, maximum of 150 participants per session. 


Typically £200 to £300 excluding VAT for a day-long session and subject to additional mileage/travel/subsistence costs.

Dates and location

Can be done outside of term time with sufficient notice and planning time.


Ideally, a day-long event but can be adapted to suit student numbers and age/ability groups. Can be done as a competition, and can take place over a number of sessions which can extend into geography, data collection, economics, and data analysis (these can be done afterwards as classroom-based, teacher-led activities).

Learning outcomes

  • Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects

  • Learning what the engineering workplace is like

  • Develop engineering employability skills

  • Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers

Subjects and topics

    • Design and Technology
    • Engineering
    • Maths
    • Physics
    • General engineering
    • Materials, products and manufacturing
    • Mechanical engineering, systems and processes
    • Structures, construction and civil engineering

Gatsby benchmarks

The Gatsby benchmarks are a framework for good careers guidance for schools across all of England and in some areas across the rest of the UK. This experience helps your school to reach the following benchmarks:

  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Encounters with further and higher education

Essential skills

The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:

  • Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.

  • Staying positive - the ability to use tactics to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.

  • Teamwork - working cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal.

What the teachers say

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The Logistics Factory has been a corner-stone activity of our yearly whole-school secondary STEM event. From drawing parallels to energy distribution solutions with the Pylon Challenge, to the more recent Rocket Factory, the activities have allowed students to literally build on existing (or develop new) skills with K-nex. During the activity, students work within design and budget specifications. This enriches the engineering challenges with a level of social and teamwork problem-solving. The Logistics Factory team work exceptionally well with the wide range of age and ability groups that carousel through our event – where they offer encouragement, support and challenge appropriately.
Teacher - M. MacD KS3 Science
Following excellent communication with the provider, we opted to book the Logistics Factory (rocket building) in the morning and the Pipe Bridge Challenge in the afternoon over two consecutive STEM event days, to involve all of our Year 7 and 8 students (including SEN) respectively, which worked extremely well despite large numbers! Each activity involved using the K-nex resources and required students to work in teams to problem solve, collaborate and be creative to meet budgets, weight restrictions and specifications. Throughout the day, the sessions built on previous skills with increasing challenge whilst remaining inclusive for a wide range of abilities and team roles, ensuring all students were able to be involved with appropriate levels of challenge. We hope to make this an annual STEM event to improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related subjects and careers. Thank you!
Amanda Moffat
During the 2023-24 academic year, it was my pleasure to host the provider on two occasions. The first session was incorporated into a sixth form induction programme. A great opportunity for students to develop their skills and get to know one another. The second session featured as part of our KS4 careers programme, and included the Rocket Factory and the Pipe Building Programme. The provider's enthusiasm and meticulous preparation ensured that both events were a resounding success.
Gavin Clarke KS4 & KS5
Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

ECO Factory - Sustainable Logistics

So you thought logistics was easy! Get into the 21st century and make your products and factory truly sustainable and environmentally sound!

  • Ages 11 to 18+
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Cost applies
Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

A Rough Guide to Engineering

What is engineering? Where can you find it? Come on a journey around the world and find out what engineers do, how they do it, and why!

  • Ages 11 to 16
  • In-school
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • Cost applies

Careers resources